1. Ymmärrätkö hevosta?
Hevosen hiljainen ja hienovarainen kieli on ihmiselle vaikea kieli. Meiltä menee paljon hevosen viestejä ohi.
Se on ongelma. Se aiheuttaa onnettomuuksia, hankaloittaa yhteistyötä hevosen kanssa ja vaarantaa hevosen hyvinvoinnin.
PollePodin ensimmäisellä kaudella selvitetään, mitä hevosen kielestä tutkitusti tiedetään – ja mitä ei vielä tiedetä.
Tässä ensimmäisessä jaksossa tarkkailemme hevosta erityisesti hoitotilanteessa. Miltä näyttää rento hevonen? Entä nautiskeleva polle? Miten hevonen ilmaisee epämukavuutta varustaessa?
Haastattelemme tosielämän hevostulkkia, kengityksen opettaja, yrittäjä Jyri Koukkaria.
Journalistinen työ ja käsikirjoitus: Teija
Videopodcastin piirros: Milla Paloniemi
Äänenlaatu: Juha Simola/NTRNZ media Oy
Tunnari: Jimmy Träskelin
Dramaturgi: Jouni Leikkonen
Faktantarkistajat: Veera Riihonen, Minna Tallberg
Tuotanto, äänisuunnittelu, kertoja: Teija Uurinmäki
Jyri Koukkari 06/2024
Review Articles: How to Understand Them? A Review of Emotional Indicators in Horses, Letícia Santos Maurício, Denise Pereira Leme, Maria José Hötzel, Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 126 (2023) 104249
Horse’s emotional state and rider safety during grooming practices, a field study, Léa Lansade, Coralie Bonneaua, Céline Pariasa, Sophie Biaub, Applied Animal Behaviour Science 217 (2019) 43-47
Original Article: An investigation of behaviour during tacking-up and mounting in ridden sports and leisure horses, S. Dyson, A. Bondi, J. Routh, D. Pollard, T. Preston, C. McConnell and J. H. Kydd, Equine Veterinary Education (2022) 34 (6)
Original Article: An investigation into the relationship between equine behaviour when tacked-up and mounted and epaxial muscle hypertonicity or pain, girth region hypersensitivity, saddle-fit, rider position and balance, and lameness, S. Dyson , A. Bondi , J. Routh and D. Pollard, Equine Veterinary Education (2022) 34 (6)
Original Article: Do owners recognise abnormal equine behaviour when tacking-up and mounting? A comparison between responses to a questionnaire and real-time observations, S. Dyson , A. Bondi, J. Routh, D. Pollard, T. Preston, C. McConnell and J. Kydd, Equine Veterinary Education (2022) 34 (9)
Emotions in farm animals: a new approach to animal welfare in applied ethology, Lara Désiré, Alain Boissy, Isabelle Veissier, Behavioural Processes 60 (2002) 165-180
Towards an Ethological Animal Model of Depression? A Study on Horses. Fureix C, Jego P, Henry S, Lansade L, Hausberger M (2012) Open Access PLoS ONE Towards an ethological animal model of depression? A study on horses – PubMed (nih.gov)
Are Eyes a Mirror of the Soul? What Eye Wrinkles Reveal about a Horse’s Emotional State, Hintze S, Smith S, Patt A, Bachmann I, Würbel H, Open Access (2016) Are Eyes a Mirror of the Soul? What Eye Wrinkles Reveal about a Horse’s Emotional State | PLOS ONE
Article: Eye Blink Rates and Eyelid Twitches as a Non-Invasive Measure of Stress in the Domestic Horse Katrina Merkies, Chloe Ready , Leanne Farkas and Abigail Hodder, Animals 2019, 9, 562
Original paper: Horses are sensitive to baby talk: pet directed speech facilitates communication with humans in a pointing task and during grooming, Léa Lansade, Miléna Trösch, Céline Parias, Alice Blanchard, Elodie Gorossurreta, Ludovic Calandreau, Animal Cognition (2021) 24:999-1006
Experimental tests to assess emotionality in horses, Anja Wolff, Martine Hausberger, Nathalie Le Scolan, Behavioural Processes 40 (1997) 209–221
Horses (Equus caballus) facial micro‐expressions: insight into discreet social information, ClaudeTomberg, Maxime Petagna & Lucy‐Anne de Selliers de Moranville, Scientifc Reports (2023) 13:8625, Open Access https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-35807-z
Recognising the facial expression of frustration in the horse during feeding period, Claire Ricci-Bonot, Daniel Simon Mills, Applied Animal Behaviour Science 265 (2023) 105966
The human ability to interpret affective states in horses’ body language: The role of emotion recognition ability and previous experience with horses, Moritz Nicolai Braun, Alicia Müller-Klein, M. Roxanne Sopp, Tanja Michael, Ulrike Link-Dorner, Johanna Lass-Hennemann, Applied Animal Behaviour Science 271 (2024) 106171
Facial expression and oxytocin as possible markers of positive emotions in horses, Léa Lansade, Raymond Nowak, Anne-Lyse Lainé, Christine Leterrier, Coralie Bonneau, Céline Parias & Aline Bertin, Scientific Reports (2018) 8:14680, Open Access Facial expression and oxytocin as possible markers of positive emotions in horses
Review: An integrative and functional framework for the study of animal emotion and mood, Michael Mendl, Oliver H. P. Burman and Elizabeth S. Paul, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (2010) 277, 2895–2904
Poker Face: Discrepancies in behaviour and affective states in horses during stressful handling procedures, Keith Squibb, Kym Griffin, Rebecca Favier, Carrie Ijichi, Applied Animal Behaviour Science Volume 202, May 2018, Pages 34-38
Acute changes in oxytocin predict behavioral responses to foundation training in horses, Taru Niittynen, Veera Riihonen, Liza R. Moscovice, Sonja E. Koski, Applied Animal Behaviour Science 254 (2022) 105707
Equine Research: Exploring horse owners’ and caretakers’ perceptions of emotionsand associated behaviors in horses, Maria J. Hötzel, Michele C. Vieira, Denise P. Leme, Journal of Veterinary Behavior 29 (2019) 18e24
Using the Judgment Bias Task to Identify Behavioral Indicators of Affective State: Do Eye Wrinkles in Horses Reflect Mood? Sara Hintze and Lisa Schanz, Frontiers in Veterinary Science (2021) 8:676888, Open Access Frontiers | Using the Judgment Bias Task to Identify Behavioral Indicators of Affective State: Do Eye Wrinkles in Horses Reflect Mood? (frontiersin.org)
Review article: The nuts and bolts of animal emotion, L. Kremer, S.E.J. Klein Holkenborg, I. Reimert, J.E. Bolhuis, L.E. Webb, Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 113 (2020) 273–286
Qualitative Behaviour Assessment of horses exposed to short-term emotional Treatments, Sara Hintze, Eimear Murphy, Iris Bachmann, Francoise Wemelsfelder, Hanno Würbel, Applied Animal Behaviour Science 196 (2017) 44–51
Assessing equine emotional state, Carol Hall, Hayley Randle, Gemma Pearson, Liane Preshaw, Natalie Waran, Applied Animal Behaviour Science 205 (2018) 183–193
Advanced Review: Where are we in the study of animal emotions? Amber J. de Vere and Stan A. Kuczaj, WIREs Cognitive Science 2016, 7:354–362
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